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MATH PRACTICE helps you practice you math. Just click or tap the box then start typing!

Made by: Bleys Robertson

You need to: Type equations and get the answers correct.

Note: Your teacher may give you a certain math type to work on.

Version: 2.9 Epsilon

Do the best quiz!

Do the best quiz and test your spelling! The instructions are in the description on the quiz. You may have to scroll alot. See if you can win!

Note: You can retry if you don't win the quiz.

You need to: Select the correct answer to win.

Made by: Bleys Robertson

Version: 2.8 Gamma

Made with: Google Forms -

Certified by: UberSicher

Home Activities!

You can do these activities at home! Like homework, but better! These are optional.

  • Practice your math!

  • Visit Fun Studios

  • Check out this site!

  • Go on a camping trip

  • Make a movie review

  • Make a website

  • Draw a picture of a machine and explain what it does

  • Go for a walk in a park

  • Create a 3-course meal

More activities:

  • Write a persuasive letter to a famous person

  • Plan a family event

  • Interview a family member about a subject of your choice.

  • Read a book and write what you liked

  • Create a book

  • Create an exercise routine

  • Learn a different language

  • Do a research project on something you are interested in

Alert Level 2

In Alert Level 2, schools still need to social distance. So, we have been creating a zoom-like app that is avaliable for schools using Wyco Netz Only OS software. For more information, check out the teacher zone and select one of the devices that is listed on the teacher zone.


- Bleys Robertson (CEO of Chipy's Ed)

The best educational site!

A Millennium WebDesign Project

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